10. Fat/Sugar Free is the Way to Be

Fat free and sugar free foods are actually just a clever marketing ploy to make people who are trying to be healthy or lose weight buy things they don’t need or shouldn’t have. When a food is listed as fat or sugar free it’s typically safe to say that it is full of other chemicals and fillers that are added to make up for lack of flavor and texture caused by the removal of fat or sugar. As a matter of fact, most of these foods are highly processed and can contain as many calories as full-fat foods, but with less benefits. Instead of buying into the fat free and sugar free hype, it’s better to buy low-fat or full-fat foods.
Reference: Jillian Michaels
The current dieting world is full of misleading marketing, buzzwords, and fad diets that can cause more harm than good in the long run. Some of the tips and advice offered are good ideas when used in moderation, while others are absolutely unnecessary, while still others offer weight loss and health backed by pseudo-science and lies. The most important thing to remember when looking for diet tips and advice is to put in the time and research instead of just blindly following the newest trends and fad diets, because history shows that the fads don’t work and the trends change over time, typically leaving dieters back at square one.