Free Personal Training Genie

Are you a rookie when it comes to working out? Wondering how to start and where to start? Let me tell you one thing straight ahead, mere cardio is NOT ENOUGH. So forget doing exercise just for the sake of doing it by mindlessly walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes 3 times a week. That’s so old school and I can guarantee you that it’s not going to give you any result, especially if you have more than 10 pounds to lose. Strength and weight training is the way to go. This has been told in a million other articles, but I’m going to mention it here again that women won’t and can’t bulk up because of weight training. Period.

I found out that Self has an excellent workout finder program and once you key in the details like where do you want to work out, how much time you want to spend etc, it gives you a list of exercises you can try even at home without any fancy gym equipment. How cool is it!


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