Protein bars, protein shakes – pretty obvious that people, especially bodybuilders and health freaks are crazy about this nutrient, isn’t it? After all, protein is one of the prime-most basic nutrients needed by the body and in science; it is as referred as ‘The Building Block’. Did you know that everything, from your hair to your nails comprise of proteins? Even bones, cartilage and muscles need protein for durability. It flows in the bloodstream and creates enzymes and chemicals, functioning towards a better health.
Suffering from the wear and tear of tissues? Know that only adequate protein can repair such tissues naturally. The reason why bodybuilders reckon protein to be a very essential nutrient is because unlike fats and carbohydrates, protein gets stored in the body, especially in the muscles. Since body building requires maximum muscle force, a strong dose of protein everyday is absolutely imperative. Meat eaters find it easy since protein is easily found in food items like meat, eggs and fish. However, it is sometimes challenging for a vegetarian to cater to the body’s growing protein needs. Not any more since here’s a very important list of the top 10 vegetarian protein sources.

Dairy Products
Don’t worry! All those commercials on TV are not fake! Milk is a very rich source of both protein and calcium. Typically, milk comprises of two types of protein. First is Casein that takes up a major 80% of the composition and the second is called the Whey. Obviously it fills up for the remaining 20%. Studies show that both these types top the charts of high quality proteins. Along-with proteins, milk is also a ready source of essential amino acids. Dairy products are not just about milk. Everything, from cheese to yogurt and cottage cheese are all dairy products. So don’t bother about gobbling up slices of veal when you’ve got the delicious and nutritious vegetarian option of cheese to bite upon.
Have you heard about quinoa? Well, quinoa is very popular for sure as NASA hopes to cultivate quinoa on interplanetary space flights one day. It is indeed a prime choice of millions. Similar to couscous, quinoa is an amazingly rich source of protein. However, quinoa is better considered as a top quality nutritious substance. Wondering why? This is because other than proteins, quinoa is a great source of fiber, iron, magnesium and manganese. It is a complete protein and is replete with essential amino acids, very much needed to cater to the multiple roles of protein in the body. You may even substitute it for rice since its grainy texture fits into a perfect complimentary against other sides. Quinoa is a must mention when speaking of vegetarian protein sources. It is very crowd-pleasing, so much so that chefs use quinoa to bake cakes as well!
Green Peas
Rarely listed under exotic food items that contribute ample nutrition to a human body, green peas in reality deserves much more than that. To start with, green peas carry phytonutrients like Polyphenol and Coumestrol that works like a natural antidote to the Big C in the abdominal areas of stomach. It is as good as other vegetarian protein sources, maybe more than that. Dieters choose to snack upon green peas pretty often as it is a ready source of high-fiber that contributes towards good health. That’s not it! If you are well versed about the role of Omega-3 fatty acid, you would probably think of ways to obtain it from vegetarian sources. Luckily, green peas are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acid. The phytonutrients in green peas performs functions of an antioxidant. It soothes inflammations in the body if any.
One of the dietary staples for most vegetarians, soy is like the meat of vegetarians. It is that proteinacious! Studies show that population, where soy is consumed more often than animal meat, people put up less with sufferings like prostate cancer and breast cancer. Soy contains high portions of essential amino acids that also cater to the body’s much needed nutrition. This protein item is believed to work magic in reducing high-cholesterol levels and even improves the bone density. Thinking what food preparations to munch upon when craving for some good soy? Well, markets are flooded with multiple options like Tofu, Soy Sauce, Soy Milk, Miso, Edamame and Tempeh. There is no reason why you should be worried about finding soy-made food products when there are plenty up for grabs.
Finding it weird in the list of vegetarian protein sources, especially when nuts are all about fat? Well, nuts do contain hefty amounts of fat but they are also tremendously rich in protein. Fat in nuts are not harmful. They are mostly made of either polyunsaturated fats or monounsaturated fats that perform towards a healthier heart. Although a great source of protein, it is imperative for you to know which nuts to eats for a better health? Of course not cashews since its pure fat and less nutrition! However, walnuts standout pretty well because other than proteins, they are also rich in Omega 3 fatty acid. You can also go for soy nuts and peanuts. Now, technically both soy nuts and peanuts are a part of the legume family. So obviously they contain high portions of protein and along-wit it, the amino acid profile in such nuts is pretty awesome. They are counted as proteinacious fibrous items that are amazing for the body.
Also popular as Garbanzo beans, chickpeas are amazing vegetarian protein sources that also works as a stomach-filling snack. They are very low in calories and are rich in fiber. The prime reason why dieters go for chickpeas more than often! Other nutrients present in chickpeas are vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, zinc and thiamin. Now that you know that chickpeas is rich in protein, it also contains essential amino acids like lysine, tryptophan, isoluecine and other aromatic amino acids. In a nutshell, chickpeas are a wholesome nutritious food item that is also a major source of protein.
Romaine Lettuce
It’s very obvious that you have heard a lot about the nutritional aspects of green leafy vegetables, right? Well, it should interest you to know that romaine lettuce is one of the best vegetarian protein sources. Hence, many dieters snack upon salads comprising romaine lettuce and kale leaves for meals. Surprisingly, this leafy green contains much more Vitamin C than carrots. Also, it is potent with nutrients like Calcium, Omega 3 fatty acid, iron, oxalic acid, vitamin K and plenty of other essential minerals.
If fibrous food items are what you are looking for, lentils might just cut the grade. It is a natural dietary fiber that is loaded with proteins, Vitamin B and plenty of other important minerals. Lentils are good for health and are enormously simple to prepare. It successfully cuts-down cholesterol levels and establishes a balance of blood sugar in the body. People with an irritable bowel syndrome prefer chowing down lentils a bit too often since it works wonders in settling digestion issues. Last but not the least – lentils are great for the heart as well. Other than fiber, lentils are rich in folate and magnesium, minerals that spruce up heart condition.
Wheat Germ
Ordinarily, a wheat grain comprises of three parts – the endosperm, bran and the germ. Did you know that wheat germ is the most useful and nutritious part of the grain? Although very tiny in size, wheat germ is the powerhouse of nutrients like minerals, protein and vitamin. It also contains folic acid, thiamin, zinc, phosphorous and magnesium, everything that paves way for healthy body. Wheat germ can be added to pancakes, smoothies or oatmeal since it adds a very flavorful crunch to the snack. Certainly nutty in taste, wheat germs are like little nuggets of flavor and nutrition.
Ezekiel Bread
Wondering what to pack for lunch on working days? How about a delicious sandwich made from Ezekiel bread? This bread deserves a limelight since it falls in the list of excellent vegetarian protein sources. Also known as the sprouted-grain bread, the Ezekiel is very different compared to other breads containing added sugar for some flavor.