What happens if someone steps into an intense workout module without seeking expert guidance? The chance of putting up with a serious fitness injury certainly increases. Are you committed to achieving a toned and shapely physique or maybe take your physical fitness to a brand new level?
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Guess what? It is a commendable pick. However, there is a way of doing things. Being a greenhorn, you cannot just jump into an intense workout routine and that too without being watched or guided by a skilled trainer. Backbreaking exercises aren’t enough to help you shed off those stubborn unwanted kilos. Things like time intervals and proper ways of doing drills play a crucial role. If not followed, it might lead to injuries that could be severe or even catastrophic at times. Thinking about the less harmful aftermath? Well, injuries are obviously painful and can derail the whole exercise program you’ve originally signed up for. This also means that your goal to become slim-trim and robust moves to a distance.
So, what are you interested in – an effective exercise routine that could work slowly but also works wonders for your body or a laborious un-instructed routine that can injure your body pretty quickly? If the latter option interests you more, read on to learn about a few valuable tips on how to avoid injuries while exercising.

Best Ways To Avoid Injuries During Workouts
Here are 5 ways to avoid injuries while working out.
1. Know your body inside out
In exercising, dedication is of utmost importance. One must love his/her own body to the core. Think about it – will you ever make inquiries about apparel that are lately in vogue if fashion does not interest you a bit? Obviously not, right? So, a commitment to get into shape comes out of love. The love for a fabulous body in particular! A key to prevent fitness injuries is being familiar with your body inside-out.
What are the problems you are putting up with – knee pain or backache maybe? Well, certainly you don’t want to make strides on a stepper or run on a treadmill, right? Obviously, because these drills will only add to your pain and hamper the already weak areas in the body like a knee joint! Get versed in your own body first. Convey this info to your gym instructor too. Only then can he guide you through a routine that will not just cater to your interest but also slacken the excruciating impacts of having terribly weak joints.
Reference: WebMd.com
2. Do some warm-ups before kick-starting an intense training module
Overworking the cold muscles is never a good idea. It will only increase the wear and tear of muscle tissues. Warming up before doing the drills is always a recommended act. Any idea why? Well, this is because warm-ups are like stimuli to the energy molecules in the body. It increases the overall temperature of the body and ensures smooth and proper circulation of blood throughout the body too. In order to build muscle, the nutrients must reach the muscle tissues. This activity of transference is possible only when the blood is circulating well in the body. So always start your routine with some effective warm-up drills for best results.
Reference: Injury Prevention
3. Do things that you are advised to do
Physical trainers grinding their elbows day-in-day-out are not on the job to help you enjoy freedom from a butterball structure at the cost of your health. Those fatty pouches in the body are already stubborn and very difficult to get rid of. If your attitude is equally stubborn and you are highly unrealistic, working out could be a risky affair, let alone your intention to shed-off surplus weight. Just because you could perform a specific drill excellently well a decade back, it doesn’t really mean that you can still do it with the same energy today. Accept it, with age a human body changes. There’s a limitation to everything and only an instructor can guide you through that. Skip thinking about racking up benefits too much too soon. Best results are achieved only when there’s a gradual progression in the workout schedule.
Reference: Active.com
4. Cross Train
This tip is specifically intended to those body-building freaks that are insane about pumped muscles. Come-on, not everyone on this planet can become the highly reputed Arnold Schwarzenegger. One needs to be well aware of his body type before setting high hopes like this. To top it off, it is mandatory to follow a specific exercise routine that is chalked up by some crackerjack fitness professionals. Overworking the muscle groups cannot reward you sinewy pumped-up muscles in less time, right? Instead, go for cross-training. It’s a break from the regular high-intensity muscle training drills and is amazing befitting as it pres the whole body.
Reference: RunnersWorld.com
5. Ensure appropriate time for rest and recovery
In order to get into shape, are you ready to sacrifice your health? Guess what? Over-exercising takes a very bad toll on health and cuts-down the immunity of a person. Moreover, if a person is running low on energy, chances are very less that he might actually pull off an intense workout schedule. Understand your body first. If it screams for rest and you still go on over-stressing the body, it will certainly not reward you with a physique you desire. Enjoy a few break days and sleep well. It might work wonders for your body.
Gym goers or regular athletes are initially targeted with annoying after-effects like knee pain, low-back ache, hamstring injuries or even ligament injuries. Although burning with a hope to get into shape, many people dread the idea of exercising thinking about these gross aches he or she might have to put up with. Well, understand one thing – in order get into shape, few days of pain is a very little ask. However, leaving these nagging aches untreated can turn them into severe injuries. So what’s the solution? Complete rest and no exercise? Well, you get back to square one again and need to resume from the beginning. That’s definitely not an option! Provided below are a couple of tips that can help you recover from injuries quickly.
Reference: About.com
Top Workout options for knee injury
A) Treadmill Walking
Try going for a walkout in the open, you might come across bumpy and uneven surfaces, right? Unfortunately, uneven platforms for walking or running will only aggravate the nagging ache in your knee joints. To recover from this, try doing the same on a treadmill. Its smooth surface can help you experience relief and not put an end to your workout schedule. For better results and toning, incline the treadmill when in use. An inclined treadmill targets the backside muscles of your body. So along-with usual cardio, one also racks up the benefits of doing squats and deadlifts.
B) Med Ball Drills
If you are a frequent gym-goer, it’s pretty obvious that you’ve come across med balls. Grab a heavy one for this drill, presumably 16 pounds or a little more. Now holding the ball with both hands to the chest height, widen the feet and slam the ball hard on the floor using full strength on your arms. Bend your knee for little assistance. Med ball drills are excellent ways of exercising without putting much pressure on the aching knee joints.
C) Kettle bell swings
These are amazing metabolic strength exercises. They work wonders in cutting-down flabby tires around the stomach. The best part – dumb bell swings are also great for recovering knee injury.
Recovery options for low back injuries
In medical terms, the low back is also known as the lunar spine. Areas like this are extremely delicate and fragile. If one carries on with his/her usual exercise routine when putting up with an already miserable low-back injury, the spine might just collapse. To recover from this, firstly seek medical guidance. Diving into the usual cardio drills like running and jumping is of no help and will only aggravate the condition. Instead, start with a couple of air squats. A rep of 10 in a day is good, to begin with. The purpose is to ensure that the axial skeleton is straight and upright. Following this, front squats and deadlifts can be done but only using light weights. Bear in mind, deadlifts add strength to the posterior chain.
Reference: BreakingMuscle.com